Monday, December 6, 2010

Merry Christmas from Winston

Santa's eyes are closed and Winston looked scared but he has his first Santa picture

Helping with homework

One sad pup

Winston finally got nuetered and had his hernia fixed. It was traumatic. He cried, I cried. It was horrible. I did not expect him to be in so much pain. By the second night, he was moving better. For Thanksgivning, we went to Boone and he wanted to run with the kids and on Friday, he was jumping off the bed.
But look at this sad guy(sorry for demon eyes, I can't figure out how to fix them)...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Someone might need a new home, ASAP!

Someone is chewing, a LOT these days. Just tonight I caught him chewing on my cell phone cord, a Pampered Chef bag clip and my electric blanket adapter. I heard some rumbling under the bed. When I looked, this is what I found!

Yes, that would be a BOOK! A BOOK, people! Granted, it wasn't a very interesting book from my Words Their Way class but still, he ate it. I had to fight him off it. Someone is sleeping now. Maybe if he would eat his puppy food, he wouldn't want to eat books!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hokies and Vampires, Oh my!

So, Winston was suppose to have testicular removal surgery the Friday before Halloween. I chickened out. I just didn't feel comfortable with it. I had already taken the morning off so we went to visit Auntie Sarah at the bookstore. She dressed up like a raving Hokie fan complete with a turkey hat that plays "Turkey in the Straw."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or Treat

Winston waiting for Trick or Treat-ers and checking out our candy bag!
Guarding the candy bag

Ugh, Dots!

What my mommy saw when she came back to the house after passing out candy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Puppy Pals

When I bought my house, I did not realize I was getting a Scottie named Molly as a neighbor as well. Winston and Molly have become fence friends. Winston will go outside to do his business then run to the fence and wait for Molly to come outside. They run up and down the fence together. I am sorry so many pictures of Winston are blurry. He is one busy pup!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tag, my class buddy

Winston has been taking Good Manners class. He had good manners for the first two weeks but then decided he had no home training and refused to do anything this past week. At class, we aren't allowed to socialize with other dogs. Winston sits next to a beagle mix named Tag. Tag's mommy invited Winston to come visit Foxglove for a play date. Winston even took Tag a present...some Halloween treats shaped like bats and candy corn! :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Happy Halloween from Count Winston, the cutest vampire around!
We went to PetSmart today for the Dog Halloween. I would NOT recommend it at least not the one in Danville. It was not organized very well and was a bit chaotic. I did get this picture of Winston but I was expecting a bit more than a PetSmart employee with a digital camera! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pretty accurate

These "pajamas" are a pretty accurate look into what is inside Winston--Candy Corn and Dog Bones! His favorite things. Thanks to Auntie Sarah for these cute jammies.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Treat Treats

Winston LOVES treats...all treats. Ones for people and ones for dogs! He has a 6th sense for food bags. He can hear the rattle a mile away and he comes running!

 At Good Manners class last week, Winston was doing really well and he was getting lots of treats from me. There was a bit of a break while we were waiting for the next task. The lady next to me gets her treats out for her dog...Winston hears the bag, runs over to her, sits and looks at her like "I am sitting, give me a treat!"

Monday, October 18, 2010

My pup is going to be okay!

I didn't tell many people but Winston had a bit of a health scare last week. He had a cough that he just couldn't get rid of. He had been on antibiotics and was suppose to get neutered on Monday. After hearing his cough, the vet was concerned he could have either a trachea issue or a heart problem....needless to say, there were lots of tears!
After a week of antibiotics, we went for a follow up today. The vet was pleased with how much better Winston sounded. We go back on Friday to see if he is still progressing. I wouldn't mind just putting off the neutering but Winst does have an umbilical hernia that has to be fixed.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

So fly like a G6 :)

Winston, my friend Nicole, her boyfriend Ryan and I went to Art on Main today. It was a nice day but a tad chilly when the wind blew. There were lots of different vendors. We stopped at the Humane Society Table. They were selling shirts, raffle tickets, bandanas and these adorable hats. Winston HAD to have one!

Ready for the sun!
Winst's new hat

Really, you have to take pictures of this??

Woman, I am done with this hat!

Maybe if I close my eyes, I can pretend this isn't happening

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One small muddy pup

See this little hole??

It resulted in this muddy pup!


 Even his tail was muddy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day of School

For Winston!
I hate leaving Winston alone all day. I generally get home about 3:20 but there are some days that I know I will be late. I looked into Doggie Daycare for Winston. Enrollling a pup in school is just like enrolling a child! I had to send vaccination records, rabies shot info, etc...Winston made the cut :) The only thing he needed was the kennel cough vaccine. Today was Winston's first day. I was so worried. I didn't want to get a note like the ones I send home with my students! Here are a few pictures from Winston's first day...

Waiting at the door :)
In his seat, ready to go!
Um, Mom, this isn't the way to Grammie's house!?!
Eeka! You are taking me where???
I think someone is a little tired.
How Winston spent his evening after doggie daycare :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sad pup

I must confess something about the cutest puppy ever. He has some attachment issues. He runs through the house in a panic searching for me when I go to the bathroom. He cries at the basement door when I go to wash clothes. Winston really is my little shadow when I am at home.

One sad pup when I left him at my parent's house to go to Shrimp Fest.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Puppy Paper Shredder

If you need any documents shredded, please bring them to my house. I now have a state of art puppy paper shredder...
Sorry for the blur, these were definitely action shots! After he shredded the paper, he tried to make off with a bag of ribbon from Hobby Lobby!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't be fooled...

I thought Winston and Calla were becoming friends. I mean, look at this picture:

He is in my lap and she is on the foot rest. I thought we were making progress. I even bragged on him to my co-workers about co-existing with Calla. He spent last night chasing Calla at every chance he got. I NEED a fence so I can let this little guy outside to run and get rid of some of this excess energy before Calla attacks!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Puppy Friends

My BFF Maggie has a precious Yorkie named Steve. She brought him to play this weekend. Winston loved having a puppy friend to play with. These two had a great time romping in the backyard. There was only one humpcident. Winston just wanted to make sure Steve knew who was charge! I had to laugh at Winston. He was insistent on sniffing Steve's hinny outside. Every time he went to sniff, Steve would lift his leg to tinkle.